GDST Solutions

The Capability Test

Following strong demand from industry, the GDST has developed its own ‘Capability Test’, which gauges supply chain data performance against the GDST Standard.

The test is an online interactive tool that communicates directly with traceability platforms to test their performance. The test simulates how two traceability systems would share data during a routine business transaction, including all Key Data Elements required by the GDST Standard and employing the Digital Link communications protocol.

It’s important to note that the GDST Capability Test is only able to verify the ability of software to support GDST compliance: it does not verify whether companies using the software are GDST-compliant.

Traceability systems that have successfully passed the Capability Test are able to display a ‘GDST Capable logo’: demonstrating the verified GDST capability of their software to their customers and supply chain partners.

Click the below button to see those solution providers who are verified as GDST capable.

See Solution Providers verified as GDST capable


The GDST Capability Test is limited in its application. It verifies the ability of a software product or system to enable GDST compliance. However, it does NOT verify:

  • 1. The level of GDST compliance resulting from use of the software, including by the company that developed it. For example, it does NOT verify that a company implementing the software is actually collecting and delivering GDST-compliant information in a transactional environment; or
  • 2. The capability of the software when implemented by any company other than the developer, such as a client of a solution provider (considering that performance of software may vary when installed and operated in specific operational contexts).

(The GDST is working towards developing mechanisms and benchmarks to address these other verification needs in the future.)


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