Verified GDST-Capable Solutions

Verified GDST-Capable Solutions

This webpage provides an updated and authoritative list of software products and systems that have passed the GDST Capability Test test and are entitled to bear the GDST-Capable logo.  To earn the logo, traceability software must score a passing grade when using the GDST’s online tool to demonstrate its ability to capture all data required by GDST “Key Data Elements”, to receive and transmit data in the correct GDST formats, and to use the GDST standardized communications protocol.  Software systems that meet these requirements can easily interface with one another to support full chain seafood traceability compliant with the GDST standards.


To learn more about a verified GDST Solution, please click on the company logos in the table below.  As you use this list, please keep in mind the following important notes:

  1. The GDST Capability Test is only able to verify the ability of software to support GDST compliance–it is does not verify whether companies using the software are GDST-compliant. See the fuller disclaimer at the bottom of this page.
  2. The GDST-Capable Logo is awarded to software products, not companies.  Companies must earn the logo for specific versions of specific software, and they are only entitled to display the logo in connection with the specific products that have passed the Capability Test.  Earning the GDST-Capable logo does NOT mean the GDST endorses or otherwise attests to the qualities of any company.
  3. The GDST-Capable logo currently can only be awarded to the company that developed the tested software. Other companies will eventually have access to a future version of the capability test that will check the performance of GDST-Capable software when implemented by them.
  4. The GDST-Capable logo is only valid for the specific version of software used to pass the test.  Updated versions of the software must pass the test again to maintain the logo.  In addition, the logo is only valid for one year after it is first awarded.

If you have any questions, please contact


Solution Provider

Solution Name Version Tested Date Passed

Capability Level


Mabel Systems

Mabel Systems 1.0 September 9, 2022

Full Chain


Trace Register TR5 5.0 September 15, 2022

Full Chain

Wholechain, Inc. Wholechain 1.1 December 12, 2023

Full Chain

Pacifical SmarTuna 1.0.22 March 7, 2024

Full Chain


iFIMS iFIMS 4.3.4 March 13, 2023

First-mile Wild

Seafood Souq SFS Trace 2.0 January 17, 2024

Full Chain

OpsSmart Global

OpsSmart 1.0 June 12, 2024 Full Chain

Agritrack SA

Agritrack 2.1 October 2, 2023 First-mile farmed
One Network Enterprises (ONE) Chain of Custody 2 November 24, 2023 Full Chain
ThisFish, Inc. Tally Version 2.2.4 6 March, 2024 Full Chain

* Renewal testing delayed until September 30, 2024.

Other companies that have pledged to develop GDST-Capable Solutions

Prior to the release of the GDST Capability Test in late June 2022, many companies that provide traceability products and services signed a pledge publicly committing them to develop GDST-capable products. The following is a list of all of those companies (not including any that currently offer products that have passed the test and bear the GDST-Capable logo, identified above):

(Remember: these companies have NOT YET produced software that has passed the Capability Test, but they have displayed leadership by endorsing the GDST and making it part of their future)

  • Abalobi
  • Bitcliq Technologies, S.A.
  • Blue Trace
  • Deal Board
  • Evrything
  • Food Origin
  • fTRACE GmbH
  • GoChain (Chainparency)
  • Global Fish
  • GTS Global Traceability Solutions
  • IBM Food Trust
  • Insite Solutions LLC
  • Legit Fish Inc.
  • Modular Clinton Global (MCG) Limited
  • OpenSC
  • Plenumsoft Marina
  • PLM TrustLink
  • PSQR
  • Purity Bay Seafood
  • QuillHash
  • rfxcel
  • SafeTraces, Inc.
  • SourceTrace
  • The New Fork
  • ThisFish Inc.
  • TraSeable Solutions Pte Ltd
  • TX Tomorrow Explored
  • Verifact

Important Disclaimer: The GDST Capability Test is limited in its application. It verifies the ability of a software product or system to enable GDST compliance. However, it does NOT verify:

1. The level of GDST compliance resulting from use of the software, including by the company that developed it. For example, it does NOT verify that a company implementing the software is actually collecting and delivering GDST-compliant information in a transactional environment; or
2. The capability of the software when implemented by any company other than the developer, such as a client of a solution provider (considering that performance of software may vary when installed and operated in specific operational contexts).

The GDST is working towards developing mechanisms and benchmarks to address these other verification needs in the future.

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