Non-Seafood Commodities

The Global Dialogue on Seafood Traceability (GDST) has been working on digital interoperable traceability for the seafood industry since 2017. The journey has not always been simple but we genuinely believe that with the support of our industry stakeholders we are on the right path.

Whilst we remain focused on the journey for the seafood industry that is not yet finished, our retail and brand partners that sell other non-seafood commodities tell us that other commodities face the same challenges that GDST has been working hard to address and it is our ambition to help these commodities that are either just beginning their journey to digital interoperable data exchange (and traceability) or already on their path to understand what GDST has learnt so that their journey is simpler.

Empowering Global Supply Chains: A Path to Digital Traceability and Interoperability

GDST has an established dialogue process that it uses to formulate the Key Tracking Events (KDEs) and Critical Tracking Events (CTEs) matrix that expands the digital data seafood supply chain companies can collect.

It also has an established Capability Test that verifies digital systems are capable of sending and receiving GDST compliant data between them interoperably and once system capability has been demonstrated the GDST partners can then use the Completeness Tool which allows data and supply chain owners to demonstrate how complete their data is.

GDST plans to launch a translator tool to allow excel spreadsheets and the like to be ingested into GDST capable software solutions and is scoping the GDST validation tool to check the right data is in the right place – all of which are pre-requisites to applying machine learning and algorithms to assess data non-compliance and ultimately data veracity.

At GDST we want to support the journeys other commodities are on to achieve digital interoperable data exchange and traceability and we work with FAO, FAIRR, UN Global Compact and World Benchmarking Alliance already to explain our journey and how the tools and tests we already have can be modified for use by other commodity initiatives

If you would like more information on our work, please take a look around our website, but if you would like to speak with us and arrange a call, please send an email to


Indonesia Leading the Way in GDST Standard Adoption
  • GDST News
  • January 16, 2025

Indonesia Leading the Way in GDST Standard Adoption

Indonesia has taken a groundbreaking step by upgrading its national seafood...

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