How can we help?

GDST Partnership

Can I access information about the Standard, and implement, without being a Partner?

Yes. Our roots are as a global platform for free knowledge-exchange around digital traceability in seafood. You can download the GDST Standard from this website here, and use this to inform your approach to managing and viewing key information within your supply chain if you’re a seafood business.

Who funds the GDST?

The Global Dialogue was initiated with seed-funding from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation and the Oceans 5 collaborative. Now in a new phase, the GDST is a Partner-driven organization, and will sustain its activities based on fee-paying Partners who become part of the GDST’s movement for interoperable digital traceability in seafood supply. The GDST is currently in a transition period between its previous and future funding model – we are building our community and welcome new Partners; offering distinct benefits for those who join.
During this transition period we are grateful for ongoing support from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, and the Walton Family Foundation.

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